21 November 2006

blood money

Oh, my word, I think I'm just going to write a collection of short stories about my students' parents. I should just put any hopes of going back to Mandarin class aside and crank out a collection of short stories based on teaching.

I swear to God, I have a kid whose twin poodles are named Gucci and Prada and who talks about Club Med all the time and whose mother is up in my grille about the fact that I won't let the homeroom mothers call all the parents at home to collect money for a Thanksgiving party/her kid's birthday party at school.

And no matter what I do, I can't convince this mom that this isn't an international school, just the international track of a local private school. And. That. I. Don't. Fucking. Care. About. Turkey.

Meanwhile, dinner is a Snickers and a Diet Coke. This is strange for me because lunch is usually a Snickers and a Diet Coke. Usually I'm too busy to eat lunch, but tonight I'm too busy with parent-teacher conferences to eat dinner. I love weeknight dates because we go out for tapas and wine and it's really easy and relatively affordable to eat well. And on weekends, sometimes we even have salad. (Not so common in China.)

Tonight I'm just thinking about my achy neck and the stories and how I'd rather be jogging. Maybe I'll go out afterwards and try to burn off the candy bar.


betholindo at 18:23

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