

I love leaving my car doors unlocked (at least during the daytime) in this sleepy small New England town.

And my bags are still on the easy-access porch at the beach house.

It's such a contrast from Uruguay, where the house had a state-of-the-art security system, a complicated door locking system, and bars over the metal shades over the glass windows.

And it wasn't even that high-tech for the paranoid Montevideans.

For example, the fence in the backyard had broked glass cemented into the top, rather than barbed wire. The front yard wasn't protected by bars and I didn't own a Doberman.

My sister's van (The Hoopty) doesn't even lock all the way.

I still use the spare key to get into and out of the house.

And I'm not tremendously worried.

betholindo at 3:57 p.m.

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